The perfect destination
The beaches offer a seemingly endless amount of fun, adventure, and educational activities for you to choose from. Whether you're looking to jet-ski for the day or learn some local history, we know the right place to send you. The attractions below can be found in one of our carefully-created packages.
You can also create a custom experience that includes the destinations that you want to visit while on your tour. The choice is yours, the options are endless, and the fun is guaranteed.
A national park featuring wild ponies and breathtaking landscapes that also features a secluded beach.
From OC history to era-specific clothing, learn about the past that created the Ocean City we have today.
Enjoy electronic casino games, live harness racing, and so much more all just miles of the beach.
Believe it or not, this 'wow'-inducing destination features the world's most unbelievable attractions.
Witness a launch or explore a space exhibit at NASA's hub of space exploration on the Eastern Shore.
A museum featuring artwork that reveals the interconnection of nature, art, and tradtion.
Marvel at the plethora of artifacts dicovered throughout the years at the bottom of the deep blue sea.
Explore the historical grounds where the Wright brothers took the world's first powered flight.
Sip on locally crafted brews and enjoy some live entertainment in this popular brewery.
Grab a seat and enjoy some world-class magic acts after a day relaxing under the sun.
Take a tour of what is said to be the oldest surviving colonial home in Virginia Beach.
An exibition focused on Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad resistance movement.
A historic town just a few miles from the beach that features lively entertainment, unique dining, and small business shops.